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In 1995, shipments of rice arriving to the 15 member state countries of the European Union represented 600,000 metric tons; 12 years later, imports reached nearly 1,400,000 MT.
The following table shows that between 2003 and 2007, imports have increased by 6% annually, from 1,08 to 1,37 million tons. A sharp increase took place between 2006 and 2007, due to higher volumes supplied by Thailand, India and Uruguay. However the first four months of 2008 are showing a somehow different picture: Thai shipments have slowed down, while rice from the US have recovered its lost ground in 2007.
In 2007, Thailand supplied 31% of all rice imported by the EU, while India's share stood at 26%. Important gains by Uruguay have put this origin in front of Pakistan and Guyana, and controlled 10% of all shipments in 2007.